
A birthmark, a benign skin irregularity, results from an overgrowth of blood vessels, pigment-containing cells, smooth muscles, and fat cells. It is crucial to prioritize the evaluation of birthmarks by your dermatology provider.

Though uncommon, some birthmarks may transform into potentially hazardous lesions, including skin cancer. The timely and professional assessment by one of Dermatology Affiliates expert dermatologists ensures the early detection of any concerning developments and allows for appropriate intervention. 

What are the Symptoms of a Birthmark?

  • Can be flat or raised, exhibiting regular or irregular borders, and varying shades.
  • Typically emerge at or shortly after birth. 
  • Some may have a reddish-purple appearance.
  • Others may appera as light brown patches on the skin.

Causes of Birthmarks

  • Birthmarks result from variations in the development of skin cells or blood vessels during fetal growth. 
  • Vascular birthmarks are caused by irregular blood vessel formation.
  • Pigmented Birthmarks result from an overgrowth of pigment cells.
  • The precise cause of these variations is not always clear, but genetic factors likely play a role.

Birthmark Prevention

Birthmarks may manifest hours, days, or even weeks after birth. They can occur in both male and female infants of any ethnicity. There are no established preventive measures for birthmarks; they are genetic, and certain individuals are predisposed to them.

Birthmark FAQs

Birthmarks can transform in appearance over time, most commonly during childhood. This is notably true for vascular birthmarks like hemangiomas, because they grow quickly in the first year and then gradually diminish. Pigmented birthmarks, like moles, might also change in color or size as years pass. Although most changes are benign, any sudden or significant alterations in a birthmark should be assessed by a dermatologist to ensure proper evaluation and care.

Birthmarks can have a genetic component. Some types, like café-au-lait spots or certain nevi (moles), may be hereditary. However, having a birthmark does not guarantee that other family members will have the same type, and new birthmarks can also appear randomly.

Typically, birthmarks are harmless and don't need removal. Removal may be an issue if a birthmark leads to cosmetic issues, discomfort, or the risk of complications.

If you have multiple birthmarks, concerns about changes, or a history of skin cancer, consider scheduling a total body skin exam (TBSE) with a dermatologist. A TBSE is vital for monitoring unusual or changing birthmarks and helps in the early detection of potential skin issues like melanoma. While self-checks are beneficial, a professional skin exam provides a more detailed assessment and expert evaluation, ensuring any suspicious marks are properly addressed. If you're uncertain or concerned about any birthmarks, a comprehensive skin check can be a proactive measure for maintaining your skin's health.

Yes, it's recommended to use sunscreen on birthmarks, particularly those that are sensitive to sunlight or have pigmentation changes. Birthmarks can differ in appearance and sensitivity; some may be unaffected by the sun, while others might become more noticeable, darker, or susceptible to UV damage. Sunscreen protects the skin from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays, which can lead to skin damage, premature aging, and a higher risk of skin cancer. Applying sunscreen with a high SPF to areas with birthmarks can help reduce the impact of sun exposure.

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Birthmark Treatments

Dermatologic treatments for birthmarks vary depending on the type and characteristics of the birthmark. Common approaches include laser therapy, which can target and lighten certain types of birthmarks like port-wine stains or hemangiomas by breaking down the blood vessels that cause discoloration. Surgical excision might be considered for smaller, raised birthmarks or those that pose health risks.

Schedule with one of our skin experts today to determine the best custom approach for your birthmark concerns.