Skin Tags: What Are They and Why Do I Have Them?
What Is A Skin Tag?

What Causes A Skin Tag?
Genetics, increased weight, and increasing age contribute to the formation of skin tags but they can happen to anyone. Occasionally pigmented moles that are raised can be mistaken for skin tags and need to be checked and biopsied. Other benign growths which appear with aging called seborrheic keratoses are often mistakenly called skin tags but these “SKs” are flat, rough and not always in areas of friction.
Are Skin Tags Painful?
Skin tags can be painful and may get caught in clothes or jewelry. They may bleed and can become infected or turn black. True skin tags are never dangerous but they are frequently annoying!
Most skin tags are cosmetic and can be left alone if not painful.
Can A Skin Tag Be Removed?
Standard removal procedure for skin tags is to clip them with sterile scissors. They have a single loop blood vessel so they will bleed when clipped and a method of stopping the bleeding should be available, especially if the “owner” is on aspirin or other blood thinner. Sometimes smaller ones will respond to freezing with liquid nitrogen. More will appear unless the source of the friction is reduced. Not sleeping in necklaces helps prevent their formation around the neck.
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