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Skincare Tips for the Changing Seasons by Aesthetician Emily Negron

Emily_small As the seasons change, so should your skin care regimen. Working with your aesthetician, you can customize a plan that best suits your individual needs given your skin care concerns and lifestyle.
Before you know it, holiday invites will be coming your way and you want to have glowing, healthy skin to compliment the perfect outfit. Right before a big occasion isn’t the time to try a new procedure or treatment. However, there are a number of treatments, including Botox and fillers, which will give you an overnight “lift” to help you look refreshed and rejuvenated for all of your holiday events. In addition to the subtle lift you can get from fillers and wrinkle immobilizers, your aesthetician can advise you on some light treatments that can give you a subtle glow as well. At the beginning of fall, many of us at Dermatology Affiliates do one or two mild chemical peels to remove discoloration from accidental sun exposure during the bright Atlanta summer.
This is the best time to undergo treatments that use the skin’s regenerative nature to heal sundamage and aging. Specifically, chemical peels and lasers take off the top layers of the skin and encourage a faster turnover rate of the epidermis. While the skin is undergoing this transformation, it is imperative that the new and healing skin is protected from any sun exposure. Since sun exposure is at its lowest level in the winter, this is the best season for dramatic procedures of this type. Winter is also a time I advise patients to increase the richness of their moisturizer. Our skin gets dryer with colder temperatures and we need to create a protective barrier that can retain moisture. Of course ALL seasons require a solid SPF 30 or higher, particularly if you are doing any restorative treatments.
Continuing the plan your aesthetician and you started in winter, focus on going into the summer season prepared to protect the work you’ve just put in. Spring is the time to make sure your home-care routine compliments your in-office treatments. This might include Retin-A or hydroquinone to enhance the effect the peels and laser treatments have made on your wrinkles and pigmentation. If you are sensitive to these skin restorative products, you can opt to use high-grade antioxidant treatments that continue to restore the skin with a gentler touch.
By the time spring rolls around you may be seeing the results of your diet and exercise New Year’s resolutions. However, looking forward to swimsuit season may make your detail-oriented eye realize that there are just some areas of the body that are stubborn. There are a number of body sculpting lasers that can take your hard work and discipline to the next level. SmartLipo, CoolSculpting, Vanquish, and Exilis are geared toward people who are looking to perfect the few stubborn areas that are not affected by diet and exercise. The upper arms, inner thighs, love handles, and lower abdomen can be sculpted with minimal pain and downtime with simple in-office visits. There are peels and products intended for the body that can target pigmentation and breakouts to perfectly compliment your diet and exercise routine.
As you are picking out that fabulous bathing suit don’t forget a hat to match and make sure you have a sunscreen that is water resistant. Using a sunscreen with an antioxidant is recommended to further defend the skin against harsh free-radical damage. Your skin regimen should include a lighter moisturizer as it’s more humid, self-tanners if you need some color, and of course, a proper SPF 30 or higher. During this season, as our clothes allow more of our body to be exposed to the sun, remember to apply sunscreen to your arms, legs, neck, back, chest, and ears in addition to your face.
As the days get shorter, it is time to circle back to your winter skin care plan, and start those healing and restorative treatments listed above.
Consistently following an annual regimen that includes preventive, protective, and restorative treatments can keep your skin looking MUCH younger and refreshed than those of your peers. If you want to know how your skin compares to other people your age you can have a Visia Skin Analysis that compares your pigmentation, wrinkles, age spots, and blemishes to other people in your age range. As you embark on your skincare regimen, continue to have your skin analyized and see how your skin can actually appear younger, even as you grow older.{/layout:set}